Golden Retriever Male

Golden Retriever Male Reviews

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Golden Retriever Male Feature

  • Wearing a coat of honey colored fur, golden retrievers make handsome canines
  • The perfect addition to any family
  • Fun fact, golden retrievers rank very highly as an affectionate and playful dog breed
  • A true reflection of nature on a smaller scale
  • Made of high-quality vinyl plastic and hand-painted
Wearing a coat of honey colored fur, golden retrievers are comely canines.

One of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, the Golden Retriever has a long history and a bright future. All of the credit for this breed lies in the hands of Lord Tweedmouth and his desire to develop dogs that are strong yet gentle. The perfect addition to any family, Golden Retrievers only need daily doses of exercise and attention. Social and athletic, these canines are friendly and enjoy swimming as well as carrying things in their mouths - watch where you put your shoes!

Fun Facts:Golden Retrievers rank very highly as an affectionate and playful dog breed.


Zooligocial Name: Canis familiaris
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Global Home: Worldwide

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Sep 14, 2011 17:39:09


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